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Friendship is a cherished bond that enriches our lives with companionship, support, and shared experiences. However, beneath the surface of camaraderie, there can sometimes lurk complex emotions, including envy.

While it may be uncomfortable to acknowledge, it’s important to recognize the signs that your friend may be harboring feelings of envy towards you. Here are 10 subtle indicators to watch out for:

  1. Excessive Competition: Healthy competition can be a motivating factor in friendships, but if your friend constantly tries to one-up you or turns every conversation into a competition, it could be a sign of underlying envy.
  2. Backhanded Compliments: Pay close attention to the compliments your friend gives you. If they often come across as insincere or accompanied by a hint of sarcasm, it could be a veiled attempt to mask their envy.
  3. Lack of Genuine Joy for Your Success: True friends celebrate each other’s successes wholeheartedly. If your friend seems indifferent or even dismissive when you achieve something significant(even when they seem like they just joking), it may indicate feelings of envy.
  4. Subtle Put-Downs: Envious friends may resort to subtle put-downs or criticism disguised as friendly banter. These remarks may be intended to undermine your confidence or accomplishments.
  5. Copying Behavior: Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but if your friend constantly copies your style, interests, or achievements, it could be a sign of envy and a lack of genuine self-confidence.
  6. Exclusion from Social Circles: Envious friends may feel threatened by your social connections and try to isolate you from other friends or social groups to maintain a sense of superiority.
  7. Disproportionate Reactions to Your Failures: While true friends offer empathy and support during tough times, envious friends may exhibit disproportionate reactions to your failures, displaying a subtle sense of satisfaction. (They feel better about themself when you fail or under achieve.
  8. Undermining Your Efforts: If your friend consistently downplays your efforts or undermines your goals, it may be a reflection of their own insecurities and envy towards your achievements.
  9. Sabotaging Opportunities: Envious friends may subtly sabotage your opportunities or relationships out of fear that your success will overshadow theirs. These actions may manifest as passive-aggressive behavior or covert manipulation.
  10. Feigned Indifference: Sometimes, envy can be masked by an outward display of indifference or nonchalance. Your friend may pretend not to care about your accomplishments to conceal their true feelings of envy. i.e they never like any of your posts on social media.

It is important to understand that if anyone you call a friend around you has even 3 of the above-mentioned traits in consistent display, it may be time to cut them off.

This is because anyone who is secretly in competition with you will inevitably try to betray your trust in the long run because the whole point of the secrecy is to become better than you while they work consciously to put you down.

These kind of friends will sabotage you and in some cases may even plan your death, as they will always find a way to secretly make you the villain to themselves and everyone around you.

Be vigilant; life no get part two.

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