
FELLA MAKAFUI Refuses to Move after SPLIT Claims to Have Financed MEDIKAL’s Mansion

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In an exclusive interview with 3 Music Networks, Ghanaian rapper Medikal finally put an end to months of swirling rumors by confirming his marriage to actress Fella Makafui has hit rock bottom.

The once-beloved celebrity couple’s four-year marriage has officially come to an end, with Medikal stating he now regards Fella as his “baby mama” rather than a wife.

The rapper didn’t shy away from speaking candidly about their current relationship dynamic. While the two are now co-parenting their child, their personal lives have taken a stark turn.

Medikal shed light on why he chose to cover up his tattoo tribute to Fella—a decision that has sparked considerable speculation online.

Despite the public admission of their split, Fella Makafui has yet to issue a public response, leaving fans and gossip-mongers buzzing. Intriguingly, rumors persist that the ex-couple are still sharing a living space despite their separation.

According to the well-known blogger @Thosecalledcelebss, Fella Makafui remains in the home she allegedly helped finance.

She is said to have vacated the marital bedroom and now sleeps alone in the house. In a further twist, Medikal is reported to be deliberately causing disruptions by inviting friends over to make excessive noise in an attempt to drive Fella out.

The tension between the former couple has captivated the public, with many eager to see how the situation unfolds. For now, it appears Medikal and Fella Makafui’s once fairy-tale romance has transformed into a dramatic, sensational saga. Stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding story.

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